They have already trusted us


They have already trusted us… Thanks to those of you who write us a few word !


–  Thanks à Maud G.

« Very competent. To recommend without hesitation. » 


Source Google / Truffinade


–  Thanks to Corinne M.

« Thank you so much for these usefull informations for my job. I do recommend Truffinade. Nathalie speaks clearly, with many examples. Very nice talk.« 

Source Facebook / Truffinade


–  Thanks to Claire S. & Looping

« This was a rewarding meeting for my dog Looping and I. Every explanations were clear et it allowed me to understand many things about my dog . »

Source Facebook / Truffinade


–  Thanks to Hélène H.

« A passionate woman, very attentive.
There is only to see what she managed to do with a deaf dog with a heavy past ….
Go there, you will not regret it ! »


Source Facebook / Truffinade


–  Thanks to Elise P. 

« I am responsible for a dog shelter in seine-maritime. Nathalie went tu us, she went back and forth to adopt an old spaniel cocker that we had recovered in a hard state. As a consequence , this dog needed education beause no one had looked after him before. Nathalie was able to restaure confidence to this old and deaf cushy. Since, this dog has made a lot of progress. Without her help, our host families, who don’t know how to behave with this king of dogs, would not have been able to manage him because he represented a big burden. ( Bill had already been adopted by a new family but it a was a failure.).
For all these reasons, I do recommend Nathalie . » 

Source Facebook / Truffinade


–  Thanks to Laetitia D. and Panache !!!

« Hello everybody,
Small message to all dog’s owners 😊.
I have worked with Nathalie for a couple of weeks with my dog Panache, a little and very scared Border Collie. Nathalie is very professionnel. She has allowed me to work with my dog every day giving me the successfull way to do it to make her progress in her evereyday place and outside. Panache has already made great progress and I can feel a better wellness in her behaviour. Thanks a lot to Nathalie for her professionnel abilities, her listening, patience and kindness. I do recommend you to work with Truffinade 😊 You won’t be desappointed. »

Source Google / Truffinade


–  Thanks to Nirak S. and Narko !!!

« Nathalie is really clear in her explantions. Very good pieces of advices to educate my dog, easy to apply in my evereyday life and very efficent quickly. Nathalie went many times to my home. I won’t hesitate do recommend her and to call her back when I need it.« 

Source Google / Truffinade


–  Thanks to Sandrine B. and to her two little dogs !!!

« Nathalie is nice and she is calm and confident with the dogs. Nathalie gives a lot of informations about dogs and humains. She understood my stress and she knew how to deal with it. Nathalie has allowed me to get back self confidence whereas I am living a hard part of my life.

Source appointement Truffinade


–  Thanks to Marie Françoise L. and Billie !!!

« With Nathalie, I have understood how behave with my dog, how to understand her, how to interprete her behaviour to get a better life with her. Nathalie has known how to connecte me to my dog, and reciprocally. We saved a lot of times ! »

Source appointement Truffinade


–  Thanks to Héloïse, her boyfriend and Nuba !!!

We have contacted Nathalie to help us to understand and solve the compulsif behaviour of our dog. With in two meetings, she understood how our dog behaved and she was able to give the right way to follow to succeed. 
Now, we have realised the emotionnel difficulty our dog fells and we have understood that her « bad » reactions are just the way she is able to evacuate her stress. We do know how to react to live in harmony with her. If one day, another hard situation would happen, I would call back Nathalie ! »

Source Facebook / Truffinade


–  Thanks to Sandrine A. and Chance !!!

« Nathalie est a passionate woman who gives you the key to help to get your dog’s weelness. »

Source Facebook / Truffinade


–  Thanks to Sandra from AIDANIMAUX33 and Nougat for their trust!

« I am the host family of Nougat, a 9-month-old dog who is extremely fearful and afraid of strangers. » Nathalie quickly identified her problem and found the exercises adequate for her desensitization, taking into account her hypersensitivity. Sessions are conducted according to the attitude and / or behavior of Nougat. Nathalie has showed a great listening to me because she felt from the beginning my stress in this situation and she offered me walks with her own dogs to help me to manage my emotions. Nougat is not out of the woods yet, but the progress are impressive sessions after sessions, we can already see how much better he is in his paws …  »


Source Facebook / Truffinade



–  Thanks to Annick B. and IAGO. We go on working all together to improve IAGO’s behaviour!

« Only two sessions and  already huge progress for IAGO concerning his relation with anxiousness and stress »


Source appointement Truffinade



– XXX to Mireille and Jessy

« The clicker sessions have been helpfull for Jessy to be more peaceful… and now, I know how to react when she starts barking ! »

Source appointement Truffinade


– XXX to Bénédicte and Lizbonne

« You have been able to grasp our relationship without getting me’s back up ! You convinced me and made me realised how important your advices are to get a dog with a better behaviour. You have allowed me to understand better my little Lili and then, I don’t feel guilty anymore. With patience and steadily, it works ! »

Source appointement Truffinade